Art and tattoos by Roma Carmella are the perfect combination for gamers


Are you a big gamer and also a tattoo addict? Then IndieBloom has the perfect combination for you. Feast your eyes on Roma Carmella, a junior artist from Ipswich dealing with both traditional and nerdy tattoos.

Her work is "mainly influenced by video games 🎮" and takes place at Rough Diamond Tattoo in Stowmarket, UK. She has been drawing since as long as she can remember, where the designs are primarily on flash sheets and stickers.

Through using Procreate all her art is accurately with detail, drawn on iOS platforms. In addition to this, she has some available portrait artwork on her Etsy store that are drawn with graphite pencil, as a result bringing her images to life.


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Do you play Persona 5 and are hooked with the soundtrack? Pretend you're the king of the Japanese underworld in Yakuza? Traverse all over the Continent as Geralt with your trusty steed horse companion, Roach in The Witcher 3 looking for opponents to play Gwent and win rare cards and decks? Had the original Tamagotchi toys back in the mid to late 90's and always struggled to keep it alive for a sufficient period? What type of attire did you dress your character up in Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Or did you own the original PlayStation and were amazed by the 3D graphics in Tomb Raider?

If so, Roma's knowledge and experience is worth investing in. In addition to this we see she is a fan of the Fallout series. A major example of this is a 2015 YouTube video discussing the character customisation on Xbox's Fallout 4. Along with this, her cartoon logo (shown above) is a reference to Fallouts iconic Vault Boy.


However, if you're not a fan of needles, fear not, you can still admire and purchase her art, as prints or vinyl sticker packs- have them around your house or put them on as fake tattoos. :P

Checking her Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages, you see a gaming fan matched with an artistic background. Gamers looking to get video game inspired tattoos should definitely get in contact with Roma Carmella, likewise if you have major Fallout Fandom get in touch too!


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